Sunday, September 2, 2007

the evening, the beach and the ballgame

We went to dinner. It was nice. There were mentions of an old whore's crotch and of course sporadic appearances by Judy Garland.

I had a succulent meal: a wedge salad, a filet oscar with a side of lump crab meat mac and cheese; I had a coffee and cheesecake to round out the meal. To drink, I had a couple of manhattans and a beer or two. Dinner was all around delicious and blissfully free of annoying children.

My sister and I came home and made a dent in a box of wine we had purchased earlier from Target. Good stuff. We waited for my sister’s friend to arrive from the other coast and my dad drove us out to a bar. We had a few drinks there and then called a taxi driver to remove us to another place. Once there, the girls met a pair interesting semi-octogenarians—one had blonde dreadlocks past his shoulders and the other, a son in high school.

My sister’s friend was pursued as far as the bar’s parking lot. Eventually we revealed that we were a trio of lovers and had no room for a fourth. After fending off an initial twinge of intrigue, the old man with boozy eyes scuffled back into the bar while we waited for our taxi to arrive and convey us safely home.

The three of us spent a few hours at the beach the next day. It was wickedly hot and the water was only 25% refreshing. We stayed long enough to feel sufficiently sunburn and old (the mean age at the beach must have been 16). By then it was time to go home and get ready for the baseball game.

We arrived at Pro Player stadium to discover it was maracas night at the ball field. It was an alright game—despite Jimmy Rollins hitting a lead off homerun, the Phillies let the Marlins score 7 runs in the first inning and never could come back. It was still a good time and I drank 4 beers. I slept most of the way home.

Tonight Gigi is coming over and we’re having our kababarita celebration. I’m in charge of drinks. My sister is doing most of the cooking and Gigi will probably do nothing. My mom isn’t feeling so hot today so she’s resting up for later. I’m just nursing my sunburn. I’m considering getting a new sofa for our apartment. We’re due. Now that I’ll be making more money I can actually entertain such notions within the realm of possibility. I think I’ll get a grey one.

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